May 19, 2008

Mission Impossible: 12 Things for $20 Bucks, You Do the Math

I (and therefore my blog) have been drawing a blank lately. I don't know if it's the recent heat wave coupled with my broken A/C, but I have been lacking in the inspiration department.

Thus, I was intrigued when I saw a link to this website that helps one jolt the creative juices by suggesting various writing prompts (thanks to Two Write Hands for posting the link on her blog). It was there that I was challenged by the following question: "What are the 12 things you would buy with your last $20." Unfortunately, it wasn't much of a "writing prompt," because, let's face it, can one really buy 12 things for 20 bucks these days?

One thing's for sure: I can't use it for 12 gallons of gas. (Although, I will point out that I was a bit too quick to complain about recent gas prices. As it turns out that it was actually a good thing that I filled my gas tank up last week with $4.29/gallon gas. I drove by a gas station today and it's already up to $4.35. Yikes!! Guess I'm going to have to learn how to ride a bike pretty soon.)

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